The court has decided: Paul Croes must pay more than 163,000 florins back

This was the decision announced Thursday afternoon. The case was heard six weeks ago, where the Attorney General asked to confirm the decision of the Court of First Instance. Paul Croes’s lawyer, Desiree Croes, was not very happy with the decision.

Outside the Court, Public Prosecutor Patrick van der Biezen explained what the verdict entails. The Court’s decision confirms that of the first instance, with a small exception. Because more than two years have passed, they decided to give him a reduction of 20,000 florins on the amount he must pay.

Both parties have two weeks to appeal this decision.

After the decision, Desiree Croes went to visit his client at KIA to inform him of the contents and decide what to do next. In this case, it must be said that the Public Prosecutor’s Office has already put a lien on Paul Croes’s house “because they want him to pay and not escape punishment.”