Go Cultura Foundation highlights Aruba’s creative potential

In a world often shrouded in uncertainty, a ray of hope shines on Aruba’s vibrant cultural landscape. The Go Cultura Foundation, a non-governmental, apolitical, and charitable organization, leads a transformative and innovative initiative born from the passion of Aruba’s creative and resourceful community.

A historic journey began with our allies at Cornerstone Economics to illuminate the hidden treasures of our island’s Cultural and Creative Industries.

This initiative, born from the fervent desire of our artists and creative minds to carve their own path, represents a shift in how we approach cultural development. Our mission is not simply to collect data and information but to catalyze a revolution of possibilities. This bottom-up approach will empower our cultural and creative sectors to take control of their future, minimizing the limitations of bureaucratic red tape.

For too long, many promises have been made, yet the promise of tangible change remained elusive. Driven now by unwavering determination and boundless creativity, we move forward with a renewed sense of purpose, led by organizations that understand the needs and urgencies of the sector.

On April 11th, together with Cornerstone Economics, we launched a survey, marking the first step towards a brighter future for Aruba’s artists and creatives. This survey, available on the websites and social media pages of the Go Cultura Foundation and Cornerstone Economics, serves as a fundamental basis for a broader vision.

A vision that seeks not only to quantify the economic impact of our Cultural and Creative Industries but also to identify areas of potential growth and development, thus fostering a vibrant creative economy for all of Aruba.

You may ask yourself, “Why is this mission so important?” Imagine this: A future where our artists and creatives are not just dreamers but architects of change and creators of wealth.

By harnessing the collective strength of our creative community, we will pave the way for prosperity through social transformation and truly sustainable economic growth.

As we navigate this journey of discovery, the team at the Go Cultura Foundation, together with Cornerstone Economics, invites you to join us. Together, let us explore the limitless potential of Aruba’s creative spirit and together, create a brighter future for the generations that follow us.

This is just the beginning. Stay tuned for our next press release, in which we will delve deeper into this project and reveal more about our plans to harness the transformational power of Aruba’s cultural and creative industries.

Together, we will not only chart the course of an industry but create our own destiny. And the journey has only just begun.