IBISA focuses on High Blood Pressure for World Hypertension Day

May 17 is World Hypertension Day. On this day, special attention is given to the importance of good blood pressure control. Each year, a topic is chosen, and this year it is: “Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer.” According to the latest health research, the number of people suffering from high blood pressure in Aruba is alarming.

Did you know that high blood pressure is the largest contributor to heart diseases and other cardiovascular conditions? According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), there are 1.6 million deaths each year in the Americas due to cardiovascular diseases. Half of these deaths are considered premature and could have been prevented.

You can prevent or delay the consequences of high blood pressure by reducing salt intake, eating enough fruits and vegetables, staying active, and maintaining a healthy weight. The challenge in reducing salt intake is that most of the salt we consume comes from processed foods such as fast food, chips, pizza, cheese, Spam, and sausages. It is not easy to see the amount of salt in these foods. Therefore, it is important to cook more at home and pay attention to the labels of food products for their salt content.

Another important point to avoid the consequences of high blood pressure is to Know Your Numbers. It is urgent for all adults to check their blood pressure regularly, 1-2 times a year, or as recommended by their general practitioner.

If you are taking medication for high blood pressure, make sure to take it as prescribed by your specialist or doctor (GP).