Minister Glenbert Croes: WEB to Make Investments Without Increasing Water and Electricity Rates

“No. No. The plans that WEB has to purchase additional electricity and make investments will not affect the water and electricity rates,” said the Minister of Energy, Glenbert Croes in an interview with

It’s true that the government has stated that investments need to be accelerated, and what WEB has announced is part of that plan. “The demand is rising, and we need to have the capacity. WEB has made a request to FEMSA to ensure they are ready for the importation of diesel for the generator that will be used to meet the extra demand for electricity.”

This is not only for the extra demand but also for the periods when the wind drops, which affects electricity production via the Wind Turbines. “You have to be prepared for it. WEB is accelerating its investments, and they have the capacity.

Additionally, the minister assured that what he announced earlier will become a reality in the second half of 2024, namely a reduction in water and electricity rates. “It is possible; we are working on it so that at a given moment we can introduce a reduction in a responsible manner.”

The positive part of this whole situation, in the minister’s view, is that after the Covid period, the government companies also felt that financial recovery had improved. “What we want is for this financial improvement to be reflected or show relief in the wallets of all the people of Aruba.”

Minister Croes did not want to say if this will be achieved through cutting the dividends that the government receives. However, he emphasized that the priority is always to alleviate the lives of the people. “The government is there to serve the people, not for the people to serve the government.”

A good water and electricity rate is important because they influence the prices in supermarkets, restaurants, etc. Therefore, it affects the daily life of every citizen. “It influences everything else. That is why it is important for us to have a solid WEB Aruba N.V. and ELMAR to help the government pay off debts and also to provide relief to the people without sacrificing their investment plans. If done responsibly and with proper planning, it can be achieved. And I believe that in the second half of the year, we will be able to give this news.”