Survey shows that 78% of Aruba is Overweight

Recently, the Department of Public Health (DVG) presented the results of the “STEPS2023” survey. This research was conducted under the supervision of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). A total of 5,120 households were selected, of which 53% participated. DVG finalized the report and data analysis together with PAHO and CBS Aruba.

Some data that had a significant impact are:

78% of our population is overweight, with nearly half of them, 46%, suffering from obesity.
24% of our population has high blood pressure, with 9% of them being young adults aged 18-29.
38% of the population is at risk of developing a chronic illness.

These figures represent a significant challenge for the health and well-being of Aruba’s population. However, with joint efforts and collective action, this is a challenge that can be overcome.

The survey also revealed that the population of Aruba consumes alcohol excessively, and while the population does not smoke much, the use of “vapes” is increasing among young people. Lastly, the community does not consume enough fruits and/or vegetables according to the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO).

The Ministry of Public Health, together with DVG, is implementing comprehensive strategies that address the fundamental causes of obesity and empower individuals to make decisions for a healthier life.