Due to bad weather: American Airlines flight diverted to Aruba

American Airlines flight AAL1145, destined for Cartagena, diverted to Aruba this afternoon, landing smoothly on the runway of Queen Beatrix Airport.

Flight AAL1145 departed Miami a few minutes before 11:00 AM, and if all had gone well, it would have landed at Cartagena Airport at around 1:00 PM.

However, due to the bad weather in Cartagena at the moment, this flight had to be diverted to Aruba. The plane arrived at around 2:00 PM, with 170 people on board.

To sum it up, an American Airlines flight bound for Cartagena diverted to Aruba due to the bad weather currently happening in Colombia. The same bad weather which is, supposedly, not going to cause us any issues here in Aruba. According to the lack of forecasts.

So, Aruba now has 170 unexpected visitors to enjoy our beautiful island.