Minister Ursell Arends: Independent Report by PKF Will Help Clarify the Situation at SABA

The investigation into the financial situation at SABA has entered its final phase, announces Minister Arends. For many years, there has been a difference of opinion between the Government of Aruba and the board of SABA, a foundation that provides care for our elderly.

The Government did not have a clear view of the foundation’s financial situation and how public funds were being managed. There were also differing opinions regarding the responsibilities of the foundation.

This discussion has persisted through different cabinets without reaching a solution, causing much uncertainty for both the employees and clients of SABA. This situation could not continue, and Minister Arends decided to commission external parties to conduct a thorough and extensive investigation to resolve the differences between the parties.

In response, SABA strengthened its Supervisory Board to help resolve the situation. Working together with the Government, the Board, and the union SEPPA, an agreement was reached that allowed the Government to make funds available before the end of 2023 so SABA could fulfill overdue payments to employees.

Collaboratively, they also managed to align, for the first time in over a decade, the visions of the Government and SABA regarding the foundation’s responsibilities in the elder care sector. SABA appointed a new director who understands the vision for the foundation’s responsibilities and is tasked with shaping and executing this vision.

“Now we have a foundation upon which we can continue to develop services for our elderly together with SABA,” stated Minister Arends. The Minister explained that the parties have come to an understanding, but the independent report by PKF is still needed. This report will help the Government and SABA understand where the situation went wrong in the past.

“This report will also serve as a guide for all of us, so we can continue working together in harmony in the future and avoid repeating the mistakes of the past,” said Minister Arends. The Minister informed that the report is in an advanced stage and that all parties are cooperating adequately. “I hope the report will be ready between August and September. I want to ensure it is a solid report because we need to put an end to the discussions and ensure that past issues remain in the past.”