Several Serlimar teams active in Dakota

On Tuesday, reported on the deplorable state of several streets in Dakota, specifically the neglected state of the sidewalks. It should be noted that Serlimar responded diligently by sending its teams early on Wednesday morning to address the issues. This effort was well received by the community, who had expressed concerns that they felt forgotten due to the lack of maintenance in their area.

Condition of sidewalks and pedestrian safety

Dakota residents expressed their frustration with the situation. The sidewalks, which are severely overgrown with vegetation, forces pedestrians to walk on the road. This situation was not only inconvenient but also dangerous. The obstructed pathways posed difficulties for pedestrians and put especially the elderly and those with mobility limitations at risk.

Community response and expectations

The Dakota community expressed their desire for Serlimar to continue paying attention to their area and not just in response to specific complaints or reports. Although the immediate intervention was appreciated, residents expect regular planning and maintenance to prevent the situation from deteriorating again.

Context and call for action

The problem of vegetation accumulation and deterioration of sidewalks is not exclusive to Dakota but has become a significant issue due to its visibility and impact on the daily lives of its residents. Serlimar, with its forty work teams, faces the challenge of being more efficient and proactive in maintaining public areas. Residents made a specific request to tend to Druivenstraat as it was getting out of hand.

Political implications and expectations

The situation also highlighted a perception of neglect by politicians associated with the government, who, according to residents, only pay attention to the community during election campaigns. Dakota residents hope that their concerns will be taken seriously and result in concrete and sustainable actions by the Serlimar authorities.

In summary, while Serlimar’s quick response was a positive step, Dakota residents seek an ongoing commitment to maintain their environment, reflecting a general desire for a more efficient and attentive public service that meets the needs of all communities on the island.