Minister Geoffrey: Government and commerce Unite in advantageous trade mission

Minister of Economic Affairs, Geoffrey Wever, stated that stability in a country is a factor that businesses always consider when seeking investment opportunities.

The trade mission to Suriname is focused on commerce and does not necessarily mean investing in Suriname. It is more about the possibility of exporting not only products but also knowledge to this country, which was once part of the Dutch Kingdom. It can also be vice versa, meaning importing products and expertise from that country.

Accumulated data shows that there are already local companies utilizing the expertise available in that country due to the labor market shortage in Aruba. “There are certain advantages to doing business with a country that is close to you.”

The reason for making the trip in the form of a trade mission is to create more opportunities that might be missed when a businessperson travels alone. Individually, the costs are higher, for example, for importing products, compared to doing it as part of a group. Additionally, logistics and shipping costs are more difficult individually compared to being in a group. Primarily, when bringing a larger quantity of containers, the costs are reduced, and it is also possible to offer products at a better price. “The reason we do this is to pave the way for our entrepreneurs. We will organize match-making, which is an opportunity they wouldn’t have if they traveled alone. By involving the government with the commercial sector, everything is prepared to meet a larger group of Surinamese businesses.”

At the governmental level, there will also be different meetings that will help create the necessary ties and show that the governments of both countries support this type of development. “It shows the desire to do more trade with each other.”