Politician Becomes Union Leader: Clifford Heyliger Heads WEB Union

On April 25th, the Association of Employees with an Individual Employment Contract at WEB NV (VWI) held elections for a new board. The new board members of VWI are Clifford Heyliger as president, Leonardo Reyes as secretary, Giomar Arendsz as treasurer, and Andrew Boekhoudt and Jenny Geerman as members.

VWI represents approximately 80% of all staff and professionals (managers and supervisors) working for WEB, which has a total of 310 employees.

However, a potential conflict of interest is now a topic of discussion. In the last election, Clifford Heyliger appeared on the list of the AVP Party and, as far as we know, he has not resigned from the party.

The question remains: When negotiating a new collective contract or in any meeting where the union is represented, which hat will Clifford Heyliger wear? Will he act as an active politician or as a union leader?

Rumors circulating in the community suggest that Clifford Heyliger has expressed a desire to withdraw from active politics as he no longer feels inclined to continue in that field.

Who is Clifford Heyliger?

Clifford Heyliger was born and raised in San Nicolas. At the age of 14, he went to the Netherlands to complete secondary school and pursue a higher education. After his studies, he returned to Aruba and worked in a hotel because he couldn’t find a job in his technical field. When an opportunity opened up at the refinery, he applied and was accepted.

Eventually, he found an opportunity to work at WEB Aruba NV, and with years of work and experience, he became the head of the laboratory at WEB Aruba NV. Clifford Heyliger has been a union leader representing WEB Aruba NV employees for many years. Colleagues describe Clifford as a leader who really listens to his people before speaking or taking action. He is married and has two teenage children.

In April 2021, Heyliger launched his candidacy on the list of the Aruban People’s Party (AVP). At the time, he was candidate number 9 and he garnered a total of 350 votes.

About VWI

The association was founded on December 20, 2011 and represents the interests of employees with individual employment contracts at WEB NV. This union plays a crucial role in guaranteeing the rights and interests of these employees.