Government drops COVID-19 restrictions

On Tuesday, February 15th, the number of active Covid cases dropped below 100, 91 to be exact. Furthermore, there are no patients in the intensive care. With this, in accordance with the ‘crisis criteria’, Aruba is exiting the fifth wave.

During a press conference two weeks ago, the Prime Minister had already announced the exit strategy based on the data back then. Covid wave number five, together with the Omicron variant, caused record infection numbers with 5387 active cases just 5 weeks ago. At the same time it was also concluded that the variant had lighter symptoms as people recovered quicker and were less contagious.

Earlier, the number of persons in the hospital reached a maximum of 55 people on a single day. This occurred a month ago. Today that total is 11. 
In the Aruban intensive care, the maximum hospitalizations caused by the fifth wave was six patients with Covid. On Monday February 14th, for the third consecutive day, there have been no patients in the ICU with Covid. Based on these numbers it can be concluded that the fifth wave caused by Omicron was ‘lighter’ and we are currently exiting wave number five.

“The Covid numbers are decreasing and this week, CrisisTeam plans to ease most of the restrictions. This is good news, and it is thanks to the Aruban community who understand that Covid is here to stay, but that we need to take care of ourselves and our families.

The government will stop with all restrictions because the number of active cases and the amount of people in the hospital justify this. I understand that there are many concerned people, and I admit, I am also worried, but I also know that we are doing what we have to: eliminate all measures and place the responsibility in the hands of each citizen to take care of themselves and their family.

I want to express my gratitude and admiration once more for the frontliners, CrisisTeam members, and all of those who, regardless of the difficult circumstances, have given their all to see Aruba progress.

Now is the moment for our economy to go back to normal, for all of those who have suffered due to the pandemic, to do what they love again. Now is the moment for opportunity and investment in our country and only we can do that. January was a hard month for tourism but we are now seeing it pick back up again. Let us welcome visitors with the same hospitality and warmth we are used to. Aruba is blessed and the love we have for our country is what will move us forward”, Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes expressed.