New tanker truck for the Fire Department has arrived

After a very long process, the fire department’s new fire truck has finally arrived. The fire department has been in need of new equipment for a very long time. One of the more crucial equipment pieces was a fire truck or tanker.

There were moments in the past where the fire department was unable to leave right away to combat fires. The main fire truck would not start. The Sinba union advised the MEP POR and RED government of the time on the urgent necessity of a new truck. Although Minister Andin Bikker on many occasions had promised to find new equipment, he left office before they ever arrived. In the end, right before he left office, he managed to buy one or more equipment for the department of which one has just arrived. This is the equipment most used by the fire department to combat fires.

A tanker truck with the capacity to carry extra water and jump into action is what was needed. The tanker arrived at the harbor with the arrival of the ship. A word of congratulations goes out to the fire department who will be happy with their first new tanker and are hoping that more vehicles arrive this year so they can guarantee proper assistance for any emergency.