He arrested his ex unlawfully: Police officer sentenced to do community service as punishment

On Thursday morning, Simon van Eenenaam presented in front of a judge to hear his sentencing for his court case. He was declared not guilty for one of the accusations against him but not the others. He was sentenced to 3 months of conditional imprisonment and 2 years of probation. Besides this, he must complete 160 hours of community service or be imprisoned for 80 days. 

Simon van Eenenaam is accused of abuse of power as a police officer on the 25th of April 2021 when he arrested a person, put them in a police vehicle, and locked them up in a jail cell. He is also accused of intentionally abusing his power by arresting and jailing the person on the aforementioned date. At the same time, he informed the Coast Guard about the legal status of the person in an attempt to achieve his goal. As if not enough, the police officer is also accused of creating a false police report of the arrest between the period of April 25th, 2021, and April 26th, 2021. This last accusation could not be proven as the judge found that the police officer was under the impression that the location of the arrest was public. 

He has two weeks to appeal his sentence.