American Engineers to Investigate ELMAR

During a press conference with Minister Glenbert Croes, addressing the issue of power instability, the minister confirmed that he had met with state companies WEB, ELMAR, Utilities, and other undisclosed entities to initiate an internal investigation at ELMAR. As part of this investigation, the company MPR from Washington DC was contracted.

MPR is a company specializing in this field, tasked with investigating, identifying problems, and recommending solutions and how to execute them effectively. As promised, MPR has arrived in Aruba and started their investigation.

For the minister, the current power outages are unacceptable and align with the prevalent discontent among the population. “We are an advanced and developed island, and therefore these interruptions are unacceptable.”

It should also be noted that there have been no investments in ELMAR’s plant and grid for decades. “This is why I instructed Utilities N.V. to immediately contract MPR to come to Aruba, conduct the investigation, present an action plan, and execute it immediately to ensure the stable power supply that our people pay for monthly.”

Once the investigation is complete, this information will be shared with the people of Aruba to keep them informed.