Yet another hole dug without putting asphalt back

Work is being done and holes are being dug on the roads all over the island, but the roads are left behind incomplete. This is, once again, the case on a road in San Nicolas, this time in Diamantbergweg. This is not the first time something like this has happened. Contractors get jobs that involving breaking open the road, but they don’t repair it afterwards.

The companies working here on our island are cutting corners, and the ones who suffer are the citizens, the drivers moving on Aruba’s roads. In Diamantbergweg, a company that has a contract with either SETAR, DOW, or WEB, dug up the road to run either cables or pipes. After they finished their work, they simply filled it with sand and left. They didn’t put asphalt back, which has its consequences.

The drivers using Diamantbergweg are now asking for help as their vehicles are being damaged. They are requesting that DOW put asphalt over the hole, as they did with the road in Camacuri.