Commissioner Arnhem Meets with Colleagues at the Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police Conference

Recently, the Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police (ACCP) held its annual conference. This year, our Police Commissioner, Ramon Arnhem, was present at the event as well.

Each year in Miami, a country is chosen to host the conference, and this time it was Belize’s turn. During the conference, various important topics and presentations were addressed. Commissioner Arnhem directed his presentation on transnational crime in the region, representing the College of Police Chiefs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, where he leads the portfolio for combating transnational crime.

Strategic and operational collaboration between police forces and partners within and outside the region, as well as the exchange of information and intelligence, is important and necessary to effectively combat transnational crime. “Criminals work together and operate beyond borders, so we must innovate and work more closely with each other to combat this,” stated Commissioner Arnhem during his presentation.

What is Transnational Crime?

Transnational crime is highly organized crime where criminals exploit society to carry out their criminal activities. Examples include money laundering, human trafficking, and fraud. This often operates across borders and involves criminals from different countries.

What is the ACCP?

The ACCP is an important conference where twenty-four commissioners from different countries in the region come together in a single conference to exchange ideas and knowledge, so member countries facing security issues can receive help and collectively combat these problems. Representatives from the FBI, Interpol, Impacs, US Homeland Security, NCA UK, and RMP also attended the conference.

For Aruba, this was a successful event where strong ties were formed with other countries and representatives from various important justice and security organizations.