Springing up like mushrooms after rain: another illegal dump found

Citizen Zoyenka Figaroa is concerned about the proliferation of illegal dumping in the neighborhood. She came across yet another illegal dump, this time on private property in Moko next to La Roca Rum Shop. This property is being sold by ABLE Realty.

For over seven months, this dump has been operational. Every day, numerous cars and trucks unload trash and hazardous materials, such as batteries and dirty oil. It seems that the authorities turn a blind eye to this unsightly and potentially dangerous development in the Moko neighborhood.

The matter has been reported to the Bureau City Inspector (BCI) as well as the relevant ministers. However, nothing has been done so far to halt the operation of the illegal dump.

This plot of land in Moko is listed for sale for a sum of 1 million florins. The citizen indicated that the photo was manipulated to hide this illegal dump. This is unacceptable! An illegal dump on private property, while misleading people by portraying the land as completely clean.

The citizen calls on the Bureau City Inspector and the relevant ministers to take action to stop illegal dumping in Moko. We cannot continue to accept that people create illegal dumps, tarnishing Aruba’s image. Are we forgetting that tourism is the main driver of the economy?