Government admits: Lack of law for wastewater management

The Advisory Board (RVA) wasn’t very supportive when the wastewater management was introduced. This is because they believe that it lacks the legal part for what the legislation related to wastewater management entails. The Advisory Board also noted that the legal framework or the financial aspect was also lacking further development.

Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes indicated that the Advisory Board will always provides its advice. The government, in turn, is the responding party, where they react to the advice that was provided.

Regarding the legal aspect surrounding the quality of water and the level of waste, there’s none yet. She indicated that Minister Arends is working on that now, and that it’s not easy. You can’t just copy and paste an existing law. It requires specifications on what everyone uses, and then produces in waste. Also, how to deal with and properly dispose of all forms of waste, including the liquid ones.

Many times, hotels send out wastewater with oil and grease in it, which damages the system. The Prime Minister indicated that once the law comes into effect, it will stipulate what can be disposed of in the water and what needs to be done with the rest.