Alarming: One in Five Inhabitants is a Refugee or Seeking Protection

According to an international publication, based on the UNHCR Global Trends 2023 report released today, Aruba ranks first as a “host” of refugees in the world. The report indicates that, per capita, the island has the highest number of refugees globally. One in five inhabitants in Aruba is there due to forced migration. This is according to the Global Trends 2023 report by UNHCR.

Curaçao also appears in the top five globally, ranking fourth. On this island, one in every thirteen people is a refugee.

The number of people worldwide considered refugees has reached record figures again. There are more than 117 million, according to UNHCR. Last year, the number was 110 million. Due to recent conflicts, such as in Sudan, Gaza, and Myanmar, people are fleeing their countries, which the organization says requires an urgent solution. For example, the global refugee population is almost the same as the population of Japan.

Economic Refugees

The report mentions that Aruba tops the list primarily due to the 17,000 Venezuelans on the island. They fled the intimidation of Nicolás Maduro’s regime, heading mainly to Colombia and Brazil, but also to the Caribbean islands of the Dutch Kingdom.

It explains that the Venezuelans are political refugees and people fleeing violence, but also individuals who cannot survive in their own country. For instance, they might have an illness like diabetes but cannot get treatment in Venezuela.

Many flee to Aruba and Curaçao, which are very close to Venezuela. The only issue is that Curaçao does not have an asylum procedure nor recognizes the international refugee treaty, while Aruba does have relevant laws and adheres to the treaty. However, Venezuelans are mainly seen as economic refugees, which means very few seek protection.

The consequence is that nearly all Venezuelans in Aruba, and the thousands in Curaçao, do not have residency permits and live and work in hiding. They do not receive medical care, education, or legal employment. It is also mentioned that the government does not actively search for undocumented individuals, but those found by chance are deported.