Another blow to tourism: thieves caught in the act at Gold Coast

Over the past weekend, police arrived at a house located in the Gold Coast complex in Westpunt for a robbery. Upon arrival at Gold Coast #95, they found an upset and very scared family.

The family is Italian and came to enjoy our beautiful island for a week. The four adults and one baby had only been on the island for five days when the incident occurred.

At around 3:00 am, the father heard his baby crying and went upstairs to tend to it. He decided to go down to the kitchen to prepare a bottle of milk for the baby, when he stumbled onto something unexpected.

He was met ‘face-to face’ with two thieves dressed in black with hoods over their heads in action. They had managed to break into the house, while the family was fast asleep upstairs. The father screamed in fright and ran back upstairs while the thieves fled the scene.

The thieves managed to steal a gold ring and took €100 in cash as well. Since that moment, the family has not been able to sleep. They are terrified. To make matters worse, it is their first time visiting our island. This family is well-traveled, having toured the world for work, but this time they decided to visit our lovely island. It is certainly a regrettable situation, and soon they will return home with a bitter memory of our island.

The thieves managed to avoid being captured, despite Gold Coast’s extensive security measures, both at the entrance and within the complex. The complex is patrolled from the inside as well, with security staff on golf carts patrolling throughout the villa. How security failed to notice the thieves is still unknown.

The police have reported the incident and promised to send a special team to stay in contact with the tourists to keep them up to date on all developments in the case.