Dog attacks and injures citizens leaving mass

There is a very troublesome situation taking place in Dakota. There are one or more dangerous dogs in Dakota, and they are roaming around the Fatima Church area, causing a very troublesome situation for people arriving at or leaving mass.

This is very distressing for the young people, but even more so for the elderly who cannot move quickly. Recently, there was a case where a person was injured. According to a citizen, it has been a couple of weeks since they started noticing the presence of dangerous dogs around the Fatima Church in Dakota.

Last Thursday, June 13th, a citizen who attended the mass of Saint Anthony of Padua felt this danger firsthand. At the end of the mass, he was heading towards his car when one of these dogs attacked him and bit him fiercely. He decided to go to the house in question to speak with the owner, but they denied that the animal belonged to them.

The citizen, a regular attendee of Fatima Church, claims that he often sees the dog sleeping in that yard. If it doesn’t belong to them, how is it allowed to enter? After speaking with others, he heard that the dog had bitten more people before. The law states that a dangerous dog must be dealt with for the safety of the community. In this case, the dog has already bitten different people.

A plea is being made to the authorities to help the neighborhood with this problem.