Nearly 50% of Aruba’s population suffers from obesity

The Department of Public Health, in collaboration with WHO/PAHO and the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), organized a National STEPS 2023 investigation in the year 2023.

The goal of STEPS 2023 was to gather valuable information on the health of our community so that public health management organizations could have a current view of our population’s health and understand the risk factors that can lead to chronic diseases.

With knowledge of these risk factors, various organizations can work on implementing new strategies aimed at improving the health of our people.

Regarding Overweight and Obesity, the National STEPS 2023 investigation concluded that 33% of Aruba’s adult population suffers from overweight and 46% suffers from obesity. Overweight and obesity lead to chronic diseases such as Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.

With this information known, the time has come to take action for our health and ‘change our habits’ are you ready for it?