De Palm Tours wins prestigious JetBlue Vacations 2023 award

De Palm Tours’ At Your Service (AYS) department has won the ‘JetBlue Vacations 2023 Highest Customer Satisfaction Award in the Caribbean’!

This prestigious award is a testament to the dedication and exceptional service provided by the AYS team. They focus on providing every visitor with the best experience, from airport arrival to departure.

The AYS team caters to every need the visitors may have, offering 24/7 support for questions, requests, and assistance. They go the extra mile, whether it’s finding a restaurant for tourists or assisting them in emergencies. Their goal is for every visitor who experiences their service to return home with beautiful memories of Aruba. The AYS team is dynamic and unique, filled with individuals with big hearts who are always ready to help, all with a smile on their faces.

Congratulations to Milaika Merville, Anique Illidge, Brayan Rincon, Recela Smith, and Karen Vrolijk (pictured from left to right) for their continued determination for excellence. Many thanks also go to them for their outstanding work in making Aruba a leader in customer satisfaction in the Caribbean.