Victim: “I don’t know why she hit my face with a bottle”

Early Sunday morning, at around 4:20 am, an assault occurred in Lekker Bar, Noord. Medical student, Silvana Agudelo was enjoying her vacation when someone hit her in the face with a beer bottle.

The victim of the assault explained that she was out dancing with her brother and a friend when another woman attacked her out of the blue.

The assailant moved past her partner and Agudelo’s brother to get to Silvana, hitting her with the full beer bottle until it broke. Agudelo remembers receiving a single blow, but witnesses say the assailant struck her multiple times. Early reports mentioned a fight, but Agudelo denied it, saying there were no prior threats or red flags.

She remembers bleeding profusely, as the wound was deep. She went to the hospital, where nine stitches were applied to her face and four near her eyebrow. She received two serious wounds, one of which is on her cheek very close to her eye.

Doctors checked to ensure the glass did not touch any nerves, which was an initial fear due to the wound’s depth. She continued to report that while the wound is healing, it weighs heavily on her that her face will likely be scarred for the rest of her life.