Working toward a Healthier Community at the Airport

Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) is pleased to have organized the second drive-thru event for health and wellness checks for the airport community on June 10th, 11th, and 12th, 2024.

Aligning with the airport’s focus on health and wellness and based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Airport Community Health and Wellbeing Drive-Thru Check was a three-day event held at the airport. During this event, all stakeholders, third parties, and vendors were invited to the airport’s VIP lounge to undergo a personal health check.

Over 250 members of the airport community participated in the event, including AAA staff, Ground Handlers, Customs, Police Force, US CBP, Total Cleaning, and Concessionaires.

The health check consisted of a blood pressure test, blood sugar test, body mass index (BMI) calculation, and eye pressure measurement. Once the health check was completed, each person received their results. Coinciding with AAA’s health and wellness goals, the three-day Health and Wellbeing Drive-Thru Check aimed to encourage the airport community to focus on their physical well-being by taking preventive measures in their lifestyle to ensure good health, prevent illness, and live in balance both physically and mentally.

During the upcoming Health, Safety, and Sustainability Week 2024, the results of the Airport Community Health and Wellbeing Drive-Thru Check will be presented to the community to provide general information about the health status of the airport community and offer additional recommendations for a more balanced life. “We are very pleased with the participation in the Health and Wellbeing Drive-Thru Check and the interest shown by members of the airport community in their health and well-being.

Additionally, this event strengthens our commitment to our stakeholders, demonstrates our commitment to the airport community, and creates a strong sense of community overall,” expressed Angeline Flemming, Director of Health, Safety, and Sustainability at AAA.