Minister Glenbert Croes: More Materials on the Way to Prevent Power Outages

During a press conference called by Minister Glenbert Croes, a question was posed to the official regarding the electricity situation in Aruba. This followed an analysis conducted by engineers from the American company MPR Associates, concerning the technical situation at N.V. ELMAR.

Minister Croes indicated that he received an update confirming that equipment needed for all necessary work is on its way, with transformers expected to arrive in August. According to the official in charge of energy management, “everything is in place.”

He further explained that besides conducting the audit, MPR Associates is now also providing technical support to N.V. ELMAR to execute all the plans. Additionally, the official mentioned implementing a “sort of mechanism” to ensure everything goes smoothly according to the plans.

The goal of all these upgrades, according to Minister Croes, is to put an end to all power outages.

Another issue raised was the situation highlighted by the STA union through its leader Diego de Cuba some weeks ago. The concern was that employees of the electricity distribution company were working excessively long hours, experiencing “burnout,” and working under risky conditions. The official was asked if these issues would be addressed in order to prevent it from escalating to a strike.

Minister Croes responded that the company had been given the “green light” to do whatever is necessary, including hiring professionals, to support the work of the company’s employees. Minister Croes emphasized that the MPR report indicates: “When the power goes out, there are no better people than the ELMAR professionals to reconnect it quickly.”

Finally, the minister was asked if the MPR Associates report would be made public. On this point, the Minister stated: “I will ask on my end. I believe… since government companies are the people’s companies, everything that comes to my knowledge, if I can know about it, the public should also know about it,” the official responded.