ATIA: Suriname Shows Interest in Increasing Cargo Flights

Currently, the Government of Aruba, along with the Aruba Trade & Industry Association (ATIA), the Chamber of Commerce, the Department of Economic Affairs, and several other businesses, are in Suriname on a Trade Mission to explore what the country has to offer.

ATIA Director, Herrick Henriquez, expressed his pride and enthusiasm for the collaboration opportunities between Aruba and Suriname. Henriquez highlighted the speed with which the mission was organized, in less than two months, and the fruitful day of meetings that included encounters with the Minister of Economy, the President of Suriname, and the Minister of Labor.

“This is the first time ATIA is part of an official delegation since I joined the organization, and it was a very different and interesting experience,” commented Henriquez. He emphasized the importance of meeting with other local businesses in Suriname to explore the opportunities the country offers, not only to bring Aruban products but also to understand the Surinamese market.

During the mission, the delegation received guidance on taxes and doing business in Suriname. Henriquez highlighted that Suriname is a country with many opportunities, especially in the oil and gas sector. In October, it is expected that Suriname will sign a “letter of intent” to develop this market and start drilling operations, representing a great opportunity for both countries.

Additionally, Suriname has shown interest in increasing cargo flights, especially for perishable products, which opens new paths for commercial cooperation. “There are many interesting areas to explore,” affirmed Henriquez, mentioning an upcoming export convention in Suriname that will be of interest to European companies.

A Shared Past and Future

Henriquez highlighted the historical and cultural similarities between Suriname and the ABC islands, especially Aruba. Both share the same language and have similar laws. Suriname is working on a new civil code based on Aruba’s, with the help of the same professor who collaborated in Aruba. “There are many similarities and a similar mindset. People here are very hardworking and eager to learn,” said Henriquez.

Suriname, having emerged from a financial crisis, is looking to grow and develop new opportunities. Henriquez mentioned the progressive mindset of some Surinamese ministers as a significant advantage for companies looking to invest and export products from Suriname.

Cooperation and Synergy in Different Sectors

The cooperation between Aruba and Suriname is not limited to trade. Henriquez mentioned the possibility of collaboration in sectors such as hospitality and agriculture. While Suriname seeks to learn from Aruba’s advanced hotel sector, Aruba can benefit from Suriname’s extensive agricultural land.

“We are talking about cooperation and synergy. They want to learn about hospitality, and we want to learn about agriculture. There are also funds to help businesses, something that will soon reach Aruba,” Henriquez explained. This cooperation can take both countries far, as Suriname is open to learning even from a small island like Aruba.

A Progressive Vision for the Future

Meeting with the leaders of the Surinamese government gave the Aruban delegation a better perspective on the challenges and opportunities in Suriname. Henriquez highlighted the progressive mindset of the Surinamese leaders, who are willing to consider innovative and collaborative solutions to drive economic development.

“We feel that this is not a country that claims to know everything. They are willing to learn even from a small island like Aruba. Although Aruba is small, it has a big reputation, and Suriname, with a larger population, is also interested in learning,” concluded Henriquez. This open and progressive mindset is crucial for the development and growth of Suriname and represents an excellent opportunity to strengthen the ties between both countries.

The trade mission marked a significant step toward closer cooperation between Aruba and Suriname, opening new opportunities for economic development and collaboration in various sectors.