Luc Alofs: University Holds Lecture on Slavery

The University of Aruba held an informative evening on Aruba’s slavery. This was the fourth time they organized such an event. Various points were discussed, particularly whether the apology from the Netherlands is acceptable.

Dr. Luc Alofs, a lecturer at the University of Aruba, explained that they held their fourth night in which they discussed and reflected on Aruba’s slavery. This also included the slavery that did not occur in Aruba but whose descendants came here, such as those who came during the Lago era.

He recalled that during the third lecture, they touched on different types of slavery that existed in Aruba. During this fourth lecture, they reflected and made time for questions. Just a week ago, it was a year since the Dutch Government offered their apology. Alofs said that after such an apology, humility must follow, and how to solve the problem must be considered by those showing remorse.

Now, it is becoming clear what the arrangements with the Netherlands are. “We must ask ourselves if we agree with it,” he expressed.