Various Surinamese companies are interested in Aruba

The Aruban merchants who are part of the Trade Mission delegation participated in B2B meetings. The Chamber of Commerce had a big job to do together with Suriname to organize this meetings in advance.

Geoffrey Wever, Minister of Economic Affairs, explained that they ensured each merchant had different Surinamese companies to speak with. The goal was to see what kind of products they could buy and how to reach a commercial agreement.

This was a large part of the objective of this mission, as the merchants were able to establish connections with the businesspeople of Suriname. They were matched based on the interests they have, this way, they can know whom to approach and explain their needs.

If a person is in the service industry, naturally, they won’t be speaking with a wood producer. The minister continued to explain that they try to match them with the companies that make sense for them. He expressed that he is receiving very positive feedback and that things are going well.

They organized this meeting at the hotel where they are staying, which makes it much easier for the merchants.

While the main focus of this mission is the more diplomatic and political agenda that Wever has with the Director of Economic Affairs, the Director of the Chamber of Commerce, and the Director of ATIA; There is also the commercial delegation, who benefit from these meeting with businesses in Suriname. They are trying to do what they do best, and that is making business deals.