Government illuminates in pride colors

On Friday night, the pride lights were turned on to illuminate the Government Building in honor of International Pride Day.

Present at the event was Minister Ursell Arends, indicating that throughout the year, the Pride Foundation supports community activities to inform and provide support and guidance on equality issues. This has also led the Government to illuminate its Building with rainbow colors, which the LGBTQ+ community identifies with.

According to the minister, this was done to show support to the LGBTQ+ community and demonstrate that they are heard and seen, and that the Government of Aruba stands together with them in this fight. It is hoped that this will be the last time the LGBTQ+ flag is not raised at the Government Building. Looking forward, Aruba is moving in a positive direction. Step by step, the LGBTQ+ community is also finding its place in society. This is something the Government of Aruba continues to work towards to ensure equality for everyone in our community.

Tonight also saw the presence of several members of the LGBTQ+ community. Treasurer of the Pride Foundation, Lydianne Croes-Kan, stated that the symbolic lighting was a show of support from some members of the Government of Aruba to the LGBTQ+ community.

It is hoped that this does not remain a symbolic gesture and that the Government of Aruba truly continues in the fight to achieve equality for all people.