Aruban artist Gustave Nouel active in Indonesia

The internationally known Aruban artist Gustave Nouel (GN – is currently in Indonesia to promote and offer his famous ‘Rembrandt’ workshops, in simple universal ‘street art’ techniques. The coordination and organization of the projects in Indonesia is in the hands of GN’s local confidential counselor, Greis Koagow.

The Aruban artist GN was overwhelmed by the great interest in Bali for his expertise and the many offers, including invitations to workshops and painting and drawing performances as well as for solo and group exhibitions. GN even received offers to establish on the island of Bali for Art projects.

Coordinator of the local Bali Faculty of Arts (‘Art Academy’ ISI), Mrs. Mi Komang Artini (Public Relations and Cooperation Unit), not only showed great interest in organizing the Aruban’s ‘Rembrandt’ painting performances and workshops, but also invited GN to participate in a large international group exhibition organized by the faculty in 2025. The Curator of ARMA, (the most important museum in Bali) Mr. Ketut Kariasa, also showed great interest in the Rembrandt workshops and painting performances of the Aruban in simple ‘street art’ techniques at the museum.

A major solo exhibition has been offered, with workshops and painting performances by GN for at least one month at ARMA museum in 2025, in which the museum will bring the artworks and GN over from the Netherlands. The museum also wants to add some paintings from the Aruban painter artist GN to their international collection.