Several Arubus drivers stopped working for two hours

From 6:30 am to 8:30 am, the bus drivers held a walk-out to demonstrate their dissatisfaction in response to a call from their union, SEPPA.

The walk-out certainly affected the bus users. The bus drivers held the two-hour walk-out on the first day of July, but this is not the first time there has been discontent at Arubus. Recently, during the period of the Wever-Croes II Cabinet, more actions were seen taking place at Arubus, and as a result, the negotiations have stalled, not providing the additional compensations that the Arubus drivers are demanding.

This is something that was announced several times in advance, so hopefully bus goers were able to prepare. There are alternatives for certain routes and so far, there has not been a large number of people waiting on the side of the road, like on previous occasions when an announcement was made on short notice. It is more difficult, however, when Arubus is the only one running certain routes that the other buses do not cover.

Bus drivers hope that this two-hour strike was enough to make management feel and see their dissatisfaction.