Arson in San Nicolas: fire causes damage to several cars

It is clear that there is an active arsonist in San Nicolas. On Sunday, firefighters had to respond urgently in Grote Bergweg for a fire that was started in an area covered in dry grass and plants. All the dry foliage caused the fire to gain strength and spread rapidly.

On this lot, there were some cars parked next to each other. While it seemed that the cars were no longer actively driving, they were still in good condition. Unfortunately, some of these cars suffered damage from the fire.

Firefighters managed to get the situation under control and the police also arrived at the scene.

The following day, on Monday, yet another fire was started in an area near the fire from Sunday. This time the fire was close to the school Colegio Nigel Matthew.

With the fires on Sunday and Monday, it is highly likely that an arsonist is on the loose in San Nicolas.