Harmony Apartments is posing a threat to our tourism

This isn’t the first time the police have been called to Harmony Apartments in Ponton. Despite their best efforts, the police haven’t been able to do much. They’ve filed reports, issued citations, and informed the relevant departments, but no solutions have been found. Each time the police are called, it’s to mediate between tourists and the apartment owner.

This time, the issue involved a group of Colombian tourists. They had paid for their room for five days. Due to a missed flight yesterday, they arrived today to check in instead. Upon arrival, however, the owner informed them that their room was no longer available and that they would need to contact booking.com for a refund. Both the tourists and the police found this very strange. Once you’ve paid for your room, those days should belong to you. According to the owner, this is not the case.

The tourists felt scammed and tried every possible way to resolve the issue with the owner, but to no avail. This kind of behavior happens every week. There are many negative reviews about Harmony Apartments online. Tourists have even mentioned that the photos of the apartment on the internet are misleading, as the actual place looks entirely different.

The police can’t do much more and are hoping for a solution where the apartment complies with what is required for their clients. If this doesn’t happen, another solution might be to revoke their operating license. According to 24ora.com, this address is well-known and has been causing problems on a weekly basis for many years.