He feigned illness: Indian Passenger Denied Entry to Aruba

On Tuesday afternoon, a passenger arriving from India on a flight from the US was denied entry to Aruba. The immigration officer noticed inconsistencies and discrepancies in his responses. As a result, they decided to deny him entry to the island. He also did not meet the entry requirements, such as sufficient daily funds and reservations, etc. When informed that he would be sent back on the same flight, the passenger caused a complete scene, crying, and misbehaving.

To avoid delaying the return flight, it was decided to detain him in Aruba. But first, they checked with the US to send the passenger back. At that moment, the US also did not want to accept him, as he was neither an American citizen nor a resident of the country.

He had only transited through the US to continue to Aruba. Thus, if Aruba wanted to deport him, he would have to be sent back to India. However, since the passenger started causing a scene, a police transport was requested to take him to the hospital for medical attention.

At the hospital, a medical check-up revealed that there is nothing wrong with him. According to the paramedics, he is in good health. He was then taken to the Coast Guard to spend the night in custody. By midday on Wednesday, he was sent back to his country. An agreement was eventually reached with the US to allow him to transit through their country on his way back to India.