Khaleesi’s autopsy proves she suffered prolonged neglect that led to her cruel death

Anyone reading Khaleesi’s autopsy report would understand that the condition in which she was found was unsurvivable. She also wasn’t in this situation for a short period, as recently disclosed by her owner Alberto Groeneveldt.

Groeneveldt’s reaction to this caused a lot of outrage. He claims that the dog, “Blacky”, wasn’t in that state for long and that he only put her outside because it was too crowded inside the house for her and her newborn puppies.

Volunteers from the Luna Foundation, along with volunteers from other similar organizations, helped rescue Khaleesi and her puppies from the distressing situation.

The images that went viral spoke for themselves. No animal could have gotten so neglected in two days, so it was clear she was kept like that for a long time. This is also evident in the autopsy report conducted at the Contreras veterinary clinic on April 3rd.

This procedure was done three days after Khaleesi took her last breath, and the findings show that Groeneveldt’s explanations make no sense. Moreover, his tone towards those who rescued this animal and everyone who condemned the situation is inappropriate.

The last painful hours she spent in the condition she was found in were the cause of her death. A neck injury due to negligence.

How did this injury occur? “A slow and prolonged choking caused her injuries and her eventual sad fate. This is how the veterinarian’s report reads, anonymously submitted to our inbox.

The same report also states that from the moment she arrived at the clinic on March 31st, Khaleesi (the name given to her) was in critical and life-threatening condition. Upon initial inspection, her windpipe and throat vessels were visible. The three large muscles that normally cover and protect this delicate structure were cut due to the heavy chain tied around her for a long period. Thus, the chain cut the muscles. This is not something that happens in one or two days.

So, the wound on her neck was open, and the muscle, windpipe, and surrounding skin were already dead, with maggots coming onto the rotting wound.

Furthermore, this could be seen in the pictures taken at the scene, with her head greatly swollen. Twice as large as normal.

How did Khaleesi’s head become so swollen? The lack of circulation causes this injury due to the pressure of the chain on the vessels in her neck, which prevents the blood from her head from going directly to her heart.

In addition to all the mentioned injuries, she was severely dehydrated, making it difficult to insert a catheter when she arrived. It was also found that she had severe anemia due to the ticks on her.

She was anemic and severely underweight, and her muscles were wasting away because she hadn’t been fed. She was not even able to produce milk for her six newborn puppies. 

On a scale of 1 to 9, her body condition was categorized as a (1). All her ribs were visible; and she had a small hole in her intestines, due to the pressure of the chain on those organs, and finally, she got an infection. The lungs had signs of infection and bleeding, a consequence of pneumonia caused by the holes in her windpipe and intestines.

So, this report speaks for itself.