Café The Plaza is organizing its traditional herring event

The Dutch tradition of “haring happen” or eating herring continues at the Café The Plaza as the first herring of the season has started appearing. On Friday the 18th of June, starting at 3:00 pm, herring lovers will gather at the Plaza to test this delicacy. The predicted catch for this year is predicted to be favorable because the 2021 herring are fat and delicious: they basically glide right down your throat.

The herring will be available at Café The Plaza with a new reception starting at 3:00 pm. Out front, there will be a cart where the fish will be sold. There will also be a DJ present from 3:00 to 7:00 pm, followed by a live music performance on the main stage. Please keep into account that it is not possible to make reservations for this day.

The new Dutch season officially starts on the 18th of June and will continue until September. The best herring contains at least 16% fat (Omega-3 fat), they are filled with protein and vitamins such as A1, B1, 2, 6, and 12 as well as vitamin C, D, and E.  Now that you know how beneficial herring can be for your health, you can fully enjoy every bite. 

Café The Plaza expects the 18th of June to be jammed packed by 3:00 pm for a delicious and healthy herring season 2021!