Another Partnership Joins the Freewinds Volunteers to Take Corona Virus to It’s Final End

The Volunteer Ministers from the Freewinds have been working since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic helping Aruba exterminate Covid-19 and in doing so becoming one of the safest places on earth.  The Laboratorio Familiar believes in prevention for the long term safety of its public and personnel and have now join in the ranks of those organizations using D7 or Decon 7, the strongest agent in the market capable of terminating 99.9999% of all virus and bacteria.

In order to remain safe more and more organizations are taking on the task of keeping their facilities Covid-free using the same proven system of the Volunteer Ministers: sanitization with D7.  This is why taking receipt of the D7 kit on behalf of all seven of the Laboratorio Familiar facilities was supervisor Ms. Vivian Lozada.

Knowing how vital complete sanitization is for a medical facility, Ms. Lozada was very pleased to now have D7 available for regular use, knowing that once Corona Virus is over there are other virus and bacteria that continue to affect the body and that a continual sanitization of her clinics is the perfect solution to ensure no future disease affects those her clinics are responsible for.

This is why Ms. Lozada got her personnel immediately started on the training to master the use of the D7. After going through the training videos and practical drilling one of her staff commented: “I like learning because you never know what you will do in life. This training is good, it is something new that I’m learning!”

The Port Captain of the Freewinds, Mr. Ken Weber agrees and said: “What is being learned by Laboratorio Familiar and other organizations joining the team is the importance of prevention rather than having to handle illnesses that have now been contracted.”

Mr. Weber also said: “Our Freewinds Volunteers will continue to train others with their preventative actions because we operate on the maxim from the Scientology Founder Mr. L. Ron Hubbard that ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure’ and with more on board who are keeping that prevention a priority this island will continue to be safe haven for any tourist.”

For assistance from the Freewinds Volunteer Ministers to receive prevention seminars or training on how to disinfect your organization with D7, please contact the Deputy Port Captain of the Freewinds by email at [email protected] or by Signal at +1-727-549-8104 or by cell at 297 747-1613

To find out how you can protect yourself and others, how you can keep your home and place of work safe visit the How to Stay Well Prevention Resource Center online at where all the Stay Well videos and booklets can be seen and copies downloaded, free of charge.  All of these materials are available in Spanish, Dutch, English as well as 18 more languages.