Illegal importation of vaccines will land you a hefty fine

On Sunday night, a man by the name of Zeykiel Perez posted a COVID-19 vaccine for sale on the Facebook group “vraag en aanbod Aruba”. He was asking for the public to name their price, and the highest one would get the vaccine. He wrote: “I brought these myself and I have no use for it. Inbox me for more info”. With a public post like this, it is obvious that the citizens would see nothing suspicious about this person selling a medical vaccine on the internet.

Both the “Directie Volksgezondheid” Aruba (DVG) as well as the “Inspectie Volksgezondheid” Aruba (IVA) have assured us that they are aware of this case. DVG, in any case, did not report any vaccines having been stolen or failed to mention whether or not they had lost any of the shots.

IVA, on the other hand, could neither confirm nor deny whether there is already a penal case ongoing. They did, however, ensure us that they are aware of the matter and that the illegal importation and selling of vaccines will not be accepted. The stipulated laws concerning medicine can run up to a max of half a million florin fine if they are transgressed. Read TREMPAN for the entire story.