Coast Guard: no more than 4 people nor alcohol consumption on boat

The coast guard has sent patrols to conduct inspections out at sea. These patrol units are namely to maintain public order with regards to following the COVID-19 safety measures. During the last few days, the coast guard has conducted various inspections out at sea in relation to the most recent ministerial decrees that were released concerning COVID-19. They emphasize that the rules set by the government also apply to those out at sea.

For this reason, inspections will be held out at sea and on the coast to check for gatherings. The coast guard would like to remind both people who use boats for personal use as well as those for fishing that no more than 4 people are permitted per boat. For commercial boats, no more than 50% of their regular capacity is permitted. The alcohol ban also applies to all boats and inspections will also be monitoring this.

Lastly, they would like to remind everyone that the 10:00 pm to 5:00 am curfew applies to those out at sea as well. Only fishing boats that have permits to be out later are allowed to do so. So, no other boats will be allowed out at sea during the curfew.

The coast guard asks that everyone follow these rules and to have their navigational documents with you onboard. Keep the COVID-19 safety measures into account to protect yourself and others.