Geoffrey Wever: Subsidizing gas prices will create financial gaps elsewhere

During a press conference this morning, the Minister of Economic Affairs, mr. Geoffrey Wever held a presentation recapitulating what he had presented in parliament. Here, he discussed structural changes that will take place in the context of economic reform. He elaborated amongst others on the criteria of the Landspakket, projects that have to do with economic stimulation and the budget. 

As soon as the Minister finished his presentation, the press had the opportunity to direct questions at him. At one point, the increase of gasoline prices came forward, with the indication that various citizens, amongst others, taxi drivers, are complaining and it was asked what came of the absorption of a percentage of the price and if this was being evaluated.

To this question Wever responded that it is currently under revision to see which alternatives are possible. He went on to say that if they continue absorbing as they used to, another ‘hole’ will form and the current financial situation of Aruba does not allow for this at the moment.