During the fire: Workers demonstrated their love for the company

Yesterday, various employees from different companies were faced with an enormous fire on the Daltra NV property in Barcadera. During the emergency, some people really stepped up and showed how courageous they are with their displays of loyalty. 

Employees from the nearby companies, such as Reynaldo Kock from APEX and Sergio Dubero & Marco Garcia, who are known as “loader operators” for ATCO Aruba, sprung into action in order to try and save their respective companies. 

Images of a worker entering the fire-affected area on a backhoe could be seen on social media. They were trying to distance the fire from material that could potentially fuel it even further. 

On behalf of the management, they would like to thank these APEX, ATCO Aruba, Ecotech employees, and the entire MetaCorp family for their tremendous display of courage and loyalty. They are well aware that if it weren’t for them, APEX, and other neighboring buildings would likely be enveloped in flames right now as well.