S.A.B.A. brings Christmas ambiance to its elderly guests

On Friday, the Stichting Algemene Bejaardenzorg Aruba (SABA) (Elderly care foundation) located at the Centro di Cuido Palisiaweg in San Nicolas, organized its Christmas lights even to bring the Christmas and New Years atmosphere to its resident guests.

The project was initiated a year ago when they received a Christmas tree as a donation. Jacqueline Hopmans, a care assistant at SABA was baptized as Rockefeller. Hopmans mentioned that she has been participating in the event for 10 years and enjoys it. Due to the fact that their elderly residents sometimes cannot visit the various Christmas lights decorations, they decided to bring the lights to them.

Hopmans moreover mentioned that the elderly genuinely enjoy the ambiance and they themselves offer to help with decorating. Each living facility has its own decorations as each employee is personally tasked with the decoration hereof. The lights and decorations bring joy and ambiance of Christmas and New Year to the elderly folks so that they can also enjoy the joyful period.

Lastly, Hopmans shared that the elderly resident receives care, love, and attention but also become family. The employees get to know the guests and know their individual personalities and likes.

The elderly should always receive what they deserve, and thus, let us treat them with kindness and allow them to experience the joy of the end-of-the-year holidays.