Quota and  Fepoh are back with their ‘earplugs during carnaval’ campaign

Thursday afternoon Quota International of Aruba called a press conference to announce their campaign to start selling earplugs during the carnaval season.

Quota president, Luzina de Greef called the press and welcomed them to the conference during which she shared some information on future projects to ‘cuida bo oido’ (care for your hearing), especially during the carnaval season. Afterwards, the director of Service, Gladys Kock elaborated a few things regarding the project. 

Gladys stated that one of the goals for Quota is to care for your hearing. For example, in the month of September, they have an initiative called the week of breaking the silence, during which the community can make an appointment at Fepoh and at The Specialist for a free hearing check-up.

After two years of the pandemic, during which carnaval was cancelled, now Quota is back to remind everyone to take care of their hearing and to look out for others as well, especially the children. 

Every year, the members of the Quota Club sell earplugs during the parades. This serves as a reminder that they will be walking alongside the parades in blue or white shirts with the logo on it. The prices for the earplugs have remained the same: 1 florin for children, and 2 florins for the adult-sized ones. This is all made possible thanks to their sponsor WEB, who have been supporting them for 12 years already.