The IBIS Case: Supreme Court does not look at facts but sentence of the Court of Appeal

Paul Croes received the results of his appeal in which the Dutch Supreme Court of Appeals confirmed the sentence he received initially from the Caribbean Dutch Court of Appeal.

In this case, Croes’ sentence is three years, or 36 months, minus what he has already served. The sentence also subtracts the time Croes was detained previously.


During the news program Enfoke, attorney Mr. Lincoln ‘Dello’ Gomez, explained that the first two courts looked at the facts. When a defendant disagrees with the court’s sentence, they can appeal with the Supreme Court where they do not look at the facts, but the sentence of the court whether the motivation is understandable (logical or within the framework of the law) and if the legal procedures have been followed correctly. They will look at what happened and see if it fits within the legal framework.