Qredits Aruba and A.T.A. announce two winners of two editions of the Aruba Signature Experiences Program

Qredits Aruba and A.T.A. have announced the winners of the second edition of the SBA, Aruba Signature Experiences program. Congratulations to Ryan Leliendal and Gianina de Freijtas from Dimondi, and Nannelle van der Spil and Jerome van der Spil from Transition 2 Health!

In the second edition of ASE, the participants went through a ten-week program where they learned the most important aspects of being a successful entrepreneur in the future. Each person completed the program with their own business plan and financial plan, and had the opportunity to present it during a pitch.

The focus of the Aruba Signature Experiences program is on future businesses that specifically cater to niche markets, encompassing areas such as romance, well-being, and adventure. When chosen as a winner, A.T.A. will guide and assist each entrepreneur with a team of professionals to help promote their product/service in the market. This team consists of professional content writers, social media advisors, videographers, photographers, and a niche consultant.

Qredits Aruba would like to thank A.T.A. for their collaboration in making this program possible, and also express gratitude to all the participants for their dedication and effort throughout the program!