Public Ministry has prolonged debt collection by one week

In cooperation with the CEA, the Public Ministry has decided to prolong their debt collection by one week.

Starting on Monday the 19th of June, the CEA will return to the streets to visit those who have debts to pay. Everyone who has unpaid fines, will be detained right away and sent to KIA. 

This past week, the CEA visited nearly 200 homes, and all but two people paid their debts. These two people were transported to KIA, where they are currently still detained. In total, OM and CEA  collected over 60.000 florins with this act, which will all be going back into the Island of Aruba. 

Do not let things get this far as to have CEA come knocking on your front door. If you have any debts or fines to pay, there are many different ways to repay them, whether it be online or in person with a bankcard or in cash. OM will be open during lunch time from Monday to Thursday, and there is no need to schedule an appointment.