Day two of smelly sewer water plaguing Palm Beach

Despite the public plea for help posted yesterday, no one has come with a solution as of yet.

The problem in question is the smelly water accumulating on the road near Palm Beach Plaza on the way to Malmok. This is a road frequented by locals and tourists alike, and the filthy black water is an eyesore and more importantly, a serious health risk. 

It makes matters worse that this is happening in an area that is primarily frequented by tourists, as tourism is our island’s principal economic pillar. It is therefore even more alarming that no one is taking responsibility to get this issue resolved as quickly as possible. 

It is unfortunate that no one in the government finds this issue pressing enough, while pedestrians are being covered in unsanitary sewer water. 

This has been a serious issue in the entire touristic area for quite some time, it is time someone does something!