Brainer Lampe and Disjonrick Jacobs returned after performing well in Maryland

Worn out and exhausted but most of all, happy and super satisfied, Brainer Lampe and Disjonrick Jacobs have returned after participating in the 140.6 Ironman Maryland 2023 in The United States. Family, friends and their partners were all present at the airport to welcome them back to Aruba. The Minister of Finances, Xiomara Maduro, was waiting to welcome Brainer, Disjonrick, Gerald and the rest of the family at the VIP area in the airport. 

As Brainer, Disjonrick, and Gerald said, it was by no means easy. To make matters worse, they were also met with setbacks that nearly prevented their participation all together. Luckily, thanks to the efforts of the president of Ironman America, they were still able to participate. 

Their hard work paid off, which can be seen in their prize as the Physically Challenged/ Intellectual Disability Open Division, the first in the Special Teams. This was a surprise to Brainer, as he said he was not expecting it until Aruba was called forward to the public and everyone applauded them. All in all, Aruba’s name kept on resonating during the entire event. 

Disjonrick exclaimed that he wants to see more teens with limitations like himself, participate in sports, enjoy their lives, to not stay inside but get out there and explore the world. Go to Beyond Sport Limit Foundation if you want to experience sports activities.