Roselyn Figaroa: many are more conscious about how they care for their dog

Today is World Animal Day and many owners are taking the time to spoil their pets. On the other hand, there will always be many people who do not care for their pets as they should. Luckily, many have become more conscious about how to properly care for their dog. 

Roselyn Figaroa takes care of dogs at a Dog Hotel and has said how there is a clear difference compared to a few years ago. She says it is clear to see in the clients she has at the Dog Hotel. Many people care more for their dogs and are a lot more involved when it comes to properly caring for their pets. 

They love dogs and have chosen a profession that aligns with this. They do their best to provide the dogs with many amenities such as a pool and an air-conditioned room. Due to the excessive heat in Aruba recently, dogs also deserve a nice cool room to enjoy their day. 

If the Aruba Police Force continues to bring awareness and educate the public on proper dog care, the situation will only keep getting better.